The Charles Wesley House is a 101-Must-Visit site which allows visitors to view the family home of Charles Wesley, often referred to as the ‘Poet of Methodism’ and ‘Father of the English Hymn’. The house provides an insight into the eighteenth century family home that Charles shared with his wife Sarah and their three children, Charles Jnr, Samuel and Sarah. In addition to the heritage rooms at the house, there is also a room which focuses on hymn-writers through the centuries.
You can enjoy an online tour of the property at www.charleswesleyhouse.org.uk but it is highly recommended you schedule a visit to the house in person.
Currently, the house is open only for pre-booked groups (of ten or more people), so those wishing to visit must contact the New Room via info@newroombristol.org.uk.
There is a minimum charge £60 per group (£6 per extra person for groups over 10).
Tour duration: 1 to 2 hours
Opening Hours
Open 10:30am - 4pm Monday to Saturday through the year (Note: Pre-booked groups only).
Charles Wesley’s House
4 Charles St
Bristol, BS1 3NN